The Mr has become convinced that I have a second family.
His suspicions have been growing for years. Does he thinks that I haven't been entirely truthful when it comes to past events? Apparently, he isn't buying my version of how things are. Take my cooking, for example. This is a conversation we have had on numerous occasions for, oh, I don't know how long:
The Mr: New recipe?
Me: No. I've made this before.
(It might have been 35 years ago, but I know I've made it at least once, somewhere back in the ancient history of cooking meals every day.)
The Mr: I don't think I've ever had this.
Me: Sure you have. I made it before. You liked it.
The Mr: I'd remember if I liked it.
Me: Are you saying you don't like it?
The Mr: I'm not saying I don't like it. Just that I've never had it.
Me: Sure you have. Because I've made it before.
The Mr: Nope. Don't think so.
We've had this discussion so many times. But, not too long ago, he added a new wrinkle:
The Mr: Maybe you made it for your other family.
Me: What do you mean, my other family?
The Mr: You know — the people that you cooked this for.
Me: Oh, stop. I don't have another family.
The Mr: So you say. There's got to be somebody else you're making these recipes for.
Me: No — come on! You're teasing!
Lately, he's been seeing signs in other aspects of our domestic life:
The Mr: How many times a week do we load this dishwasher? And empty it? And fill it back up again? Unbelievable!
Me: Yeah, we do seem to do a lot of dishes, alright.
The Mr: SO many! Are you sure we aren't washing your other family's dishes, too?
Me: Ha ha!
Or when we are watching our evening's TV entertainment:
Me: We've seen this. It's a re-run.
The Mr: Really? I don't remember it. Are you sure we've seen this already?
Me: Positive.
The Mr: Not me. Must have been your other family you saw it with.
I've started to humour him.
Me: Yeah, that's it. I watched it with Irv and the kids. Just last week!
I'm beginning to wonder if we've been too busy for the last 40 years to notice some of the finer points in each other's lives.
The Mr: Groceries? Again?
Me: Well, we gotta eat.
The Mr: Yeah, but I went to Thrifty's two days ago and got a huge list.
Me: I know. But we ate that stuff.
The Mr: How are we eating this much? Are we feeding your other family, too?
Me: Honey. I have NEVER been a once-a-weeker at the grocery store. I like buying fresh. Every day. Even when we shopped on Saturdays, all those years we were working, I'd still go the store and get something for dinner. I love doing that. It's what my mother did. It's what I do. I love to shop. I love to cook.
The Mr: And I love your cooking. And I appreciate that you do that. (Big hug here) I just never noticed until now.
Me: You're retired! You're home more now. Isn't life grand?
The Mr: You bet. We should celebrate and have your other family over for dinner.