Thursday, February 2, 2012

Carpe that diem!

I don’t like the term, “Bucket List.”  It was a catchy name for the movie – you know, the one in which two older guys, facing their mortality, develop a list of things they want to accomplish before kicking the bucket.  And it set off a trend among aging Boomers to take the trips they always intended to take or embark on the careers they always dreamed about having. That part is o.k.  But what I resent is the associated implication that EVERYONE’S list is supposed to include swimming with dolphins, sky-diving, sailing around the world solo and ascending Kilimanjaro. All noble ambitions, but frankly, I just don’t need the extra pressure.

Having never been all that daring a soul, the way I look at it, I’m living on the edge if I try a new flavor of yogurt. If I were to make a list of things I want to accomplish before my last gasp, I know darn well that a small voice in my head will say, “Ooooo, I don’t know! That sounds pretty dangerous! Are you sure you want to walk the dog in a different direction today?”  Some of us are just not built for thrill-seeking.

Example. My friend Marian, who is an accomplished horseback rider, invited me to join her on a ride. My first reaction was, “OH, I would LOVE to!” I’ve always loved horses and always wanted to ride as a kid.  I checked with my chiropractor. His reaction: “Are you kidding? With your back?” So goes my life.

But, a couple of weeks ago, as I turned the corner into the final year of my 50s, I started to mull over what it really means to carpe diem. I began to wonder if I should push my boundaries a bit. So, I thought, O.K., what crazy capers could I get up to? What wild ideas would release my suppressed, inner adventuress? I’ve started a list of one day escapades.  Here it is:

1.       Go out for dinner without making a reservation.

2.       Go to the theatre and not sit in an aisle seat.

3.       Finally try Pad Thai.

4.       Buy an appliance and not send in the warranty card.

5.       Go to bed without flossing my teeth.

6.       Shop at a different Walgreens.

7.       Get a “One Hour” pedicure instead of the “Express.”

8.       Fly somewhere without taking Xanax.

9.       Run the dishwasher without the rinse agent.

10.   Wear shoes without my orthotic inserts.

Wow! I’m feeling mad cap already! Whatever will be next? Skipping Metamucil for a day?

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