Saturday, December 14, 2013

Conversations with 60-Year Olds

Their morning routine is well...fairly routine for the most part. Breakfast and read the newspaper while watching the “Today Show” on the kitchen TV. After he eats his Cheerios, he goes upstairs to shower and get ready for work. She feeds the dog. This one day he got up and picked up the remote to turn off the TV as he usually does.

Her:      No, leave it on, please. I want to see a story coming up. They said that woman who sings has a big announcement.

Him:       Oh, who’s that?

Her:       You know the one. She made it big a couple of years ago.

HIM:      Weren’t you just watching a minute ago when they said what was coming up?

HER:       Yeah, but I wasn’t paying attention. You know who I mean. She won that contest.

Him:       Carrie Underwood? Is she going to announce that she isn’t much of an actress?

Her:       Ha Ha. No! It was that woman that was on, “American Idol.” No, no, I mean, “British Idol.”

Him:       You mean, “Britain’s Got Talent”?

Her:       Yeah, yeah! That’s it. Boyle. Somebody Boyle.

Him:       Oh, yeah. Sarah Boyle.

Her:       No. That’s not right. What IS her name?

Him:      Yeah….it’s Sarah Boyle. Scottish. Les Miz.

Her:       Les MIZ?!? That’s Sarah Brightman! Anyway, Scottish?? Les Miz??? Les Miz takes place in France!

Him:       Sarah Brightman wasn’t in Les Miz! This Boyle woman from Scotland sang a song from Les Miz and she won “Britain’s Got Talent.”

Her:       Oh, Yeah! “I Dreamed a Dream!” That was a song from Les Miz! That’s right!

He went upstairs. She sat down with another cup of tea. Matt Lauer on the “Today Show” led in with the story about the woman.

Her: (calling upstairs):    SUSAN!!!

Him: (from the bathroom):          Who?

Her: (standing in the hall at the base of the stairs):           It’s Susan!

Him:       Who’s Susan?

Her:       Sarah is SUSAN!

Him:       What?

Her:       That woman who sings! It’s SUSAN BOYLE!

Him:       Thanks.  Can I finish shaving now?

Her:       Yeah, sorry. I thought you’d want to know. I would have been thinking about it all day.

Him:       What’s her big announcement?

Her: (returning to the TV in the kitchen):              I don’t know. I missed the story.

You can’t make this stuff up. What’s troubling is this ominous question: What are they going to be like when they’re 80?


1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh out loud! uncomfortably familiar.
