12 day trip, by the numbers:
1 tote bag-sized carry-on for essentials, like ear buds, crossword puzzles, and snacks.
1 21" regulation-sized, rolling carry-on, crammed to capacity with all the other gear. Both the Mister and I will check a bag this size. You might be thinking, "If you're going to check them anyway, why not take bigger bags?" Because, if the check-in line is too long we can easily change our minds and carry them onboard. (This has happened.) "OK, then why not just carry on?" Well, because, I'd need to be bench pressing 100 pounds to heft this thing into the overhead bin. And giving the Mister a hernia isn't a great start to any vacation. Besides, a 21" rolling bag makes your friends think you pack light and they will admire your ability.
42 days-worth of clothing. I have never once in my entire life "packed light." I always take way too much. After 12 days, guaranteed, I will return home with things Ive worn not even one single time.
1 epic engineering feat packing 42 days-worth of stuff in a 21" carry-on. I saw an article about rolling items of clothing. The theory goes that you can economize on luggage space this way and , as a bonus, your garments will arrive at your destination wrinkle-free. I packed a couple of days ago to test the theory. It all looked so bulky and I couldn't get my luggage zipped. So, I took it all out again. Every last bit of it was creased, crumpled and crinkled beyond reason. I smoothed it all out, folded it neatly, and got it all back in the suitcase, and in the exercise, conserved enough space for a couple more items and a fourth pair of shoes.
12 nearly identical T-shirts. Why? Because there will not be one day that goes by that I won't drop food on my front.
6 zip-lok baggies. I really have to thank the TSA. I love the baggies. I've discovered that they are so handy, not only for your 3 oz. liquids, but also for your prescription meds, your OTC pharmaceuticals, your makeup, your snacks, your sandwich and your miscellaneous other sundry items. The beauty is in the transparency. Where once you would have all this flotsam in a cute cosmetics bag and had trouble finding anything, now you've got plastic zip-loks - the ultimate visible storage system.
12 pairs of you-know-whats. Sorry to get so personal, but if you own 12 pairs, then take them, because it will save you a day of trying to find a laundromat or hanging your hand-washed-in-the-hotel-sink smalls around your room where they aren't going to dry anyway. Unless you are such a seriously nerdy traveler that you've got those Expedia "14 days, one pair of gauch" (Winnipeg term) techno-undies that you rinse out each night and they are dry by morning. Seriously. Who does that?
2 books downloaded to your mobile device. Some of you will need more than this. But I read at the speed of a turtle on valium, so I might get a couple of pages done between now and the time we get home. But it doesn't hurt to dream — or to be well-stocked with diversions if you flight is delayed.
900 tunes on your mobile device, because, you know 6 hours on a plane is just tedious. Mind you, all you really need is the "Hamilton" cast album. Over and over again.
Well, that's my list. I have to go now and try to squeeze in another pair of shoes. I'll be back in 12 days and will tell you all about my vacation.
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