Monday, August 6, 2012

Gold Medal Dog Mom

Have you been paying attention to the subtext surrounding the Olympic Games? Broadcasts here in the US are layered with messages borne out in advertising as well as in the rhetoric around the athletes’ stories. One theme emerging from the 2012 games caught my attention:  mothers play a huge role in their children’s Olympic dreams. Ads by Proctor and Gamble “the proud sponsor of Moms”—show an image of a mother holding her breath as she watches her 8 year old son on the high diving board with a caption that says something like, mothers will always think of their Olympians as their little kids. Now, as I am not a mother, my reaction to this message is rather more intellectual than emotional. Except when I look at Riley.

I think I would be the Mrs. Phelps of Olympic Dog Moms – if dogs competed in the Olympics, that is. And I think it is high time that they did! Horses do. Why not dogs?  Canines are way more talented than equines. Dogs worldwide already compete in sporting events, such as Agility and Obedience Trials, Fly Ball and Tracking. Those sports could easily be translated to the Olympic Games!  Free Style Dog Dancing (yes, it exists) is a lovely counterpart to gymnastics! Dock Dogs is an aquatic exercise equivalent to a long jump/diving combo! And for the winter games? Dog sled races of course! Is there anything more thrilling? I’d watch any of those events. Wouldn’t you?

If any of you know our Riley, you know that he is a natural-born, all-around athlete. And I’m not just saying that because I’m his mom. His running stride is a thing of beauty, for example. And he’s such a sporty little guy, I’m sure he’d take gold in any event he tried. He is a Golden Retriever, after all! I can see him now. Posing with his medal held in his teeth, you know, how the Olympians do. Being interviewed by Bob Kostas on NBC Sports:

Riley Neufeld is a three year old Golden competing in his first Olympics this year. He’s top dog in the Plush Toy De-Stuffing event and paws-down favorite to win in Jump-on-the-Bed-Have-a-Nap-wit- Dad against some pretty ruff competition! We’re about to watch him in the final of the Postal Carrier Chase and Ankle Chew. Riley, how do you feel about your chances in this growling….er, grueling event? What does it take to win Olympic gold?

“Arf, woof, wurf-wurf, roof, arf, arf*” (translation: “Dogged, determination, Bob. And a great MOM!”)

Oh, I would be so proud of him. Waiting with baited breath as my Fur Son mounts the podium for the medal ceremony. (Really hoping that he isn’t going to mount someone’s leg.)

You know what they say! Behind every great athlete is a great mom! Bow-WOW!

Riley uses a tree limb to practise his Postal Carrier ankle chew.

                                          Riley and his training partner, Dover, practising their wrestling moves

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