Saturday, January 5, 2013

Resolution Revolution!!

I am not a big fan of the New Year’s resolution.

I have never really ever made a resolution. I doubt I ever will. Maybe it’s my ADD, but it’s just not in me to keep at things for very long. I know I will never keep a resolution, so I resolve instead to avoid setting myself up for inevitable failure.

In this context then, I was thrilled to read a feature published recently in the Dayton Daily News that listed all the special celebratory days on the year’s calendar – all 365 of them. My birthday, January 17th, just happens to fall on “Ditch your New Year’s Resolutions Day.” Wow! I felt validated; as though the world is acknowledging that I am right; there is no point in promising all manner of self-improvement measures, because they will all be abandoned by mid-month. And if there is a day to celebrate that liberation, I’m in.

I read out a few other choice celebratory days to Ken at breakfast. Like, January 2nd is “Run it Up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day.” Kind of like this blog; does anyone want in on this with me?

It’s clear what you’d do on September 19th which is “Talk like a Pirate Day.” But I’m not certain exactly what activity goes along with “Lumpy Rug Day” on May 3rd.  I’m also not sure what a person would do on “Take your Pants for a Walk Day,” on July 27th but at least it should be warm enough to go without pants if this is what is called for. I know a few men who might like to party on “Be Bald and Free Day,” October 14th and someone who shall remain nameless who won’t be celebrating April 5th which is “Read a Road Map Day.” Our pooch will like “Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day,” February 23rd, and personally, I’m looking forward to “Eggs Benedict Day” on April 16th.

“Say, Hon, did you know your birthday falls on “Captain Kangaroo Day?” I asked Ken.

“You’re not going to become one of those people that post a national day on Facebook everyday are you?”

“No. Not every day.” I’m reasonably certain I could promise that much. Hmm. I guess I could make that a resolution.

Not that I can’t use some self-improvement, heaven knows. But these celebration days gave me an idea. Being a person with very little follow-through, I like the thought of confining personal upgrades to manageable chunks, like holidays that are designated for them. For example, some of the ones on the list are just what the doctor ordered! I think I could manage to restrict my butter intake on February 16th, “Women’s Heart Health Day” and get some exercise on June 19th, “World Sauntering Day.” And I will certainly slap on some heavy-duty SPF on “Stay Out of the Sun Day,” July 3rd. See? I feel better about myself already!

Stress management tends to stress me out if I pursue it long term, so instead  I can contemplate the cosmos on “Look Up at the Sky Day,” April 12th, do some deep breathing on “Relaxation Day,” August 15th and take full advantage of “Lazy Day,” on  August 10th.

There are days set aside for improving relationships. For instance, I will now go out of my way to be pleasant to people on “Smile Power Day,” June 15th, and smooch with my better half on “Kiss and Make Up Day,” August 25th, even if we haven’t had an argument!

And of course, there are times when we all need a good, self-indulgent “Me Day.” Fortunately, those abound on my list, such as my personal favorite, the anti-resolution, “NO Diet Day,” May 6th. Or, how about “Start Your Own Country Day,” November 22nd? Or “Have a Bad Day Day,” on November 19th? And, just in time for winter doldrums, “Look at the Bright Side Day,” December 21st?

This is cheering me up considerably! Imagine – mini resolutions! Surely, we can all do something good for ourselves if it’s only for one day! I could start a New Year’s REVOLUTION! Who’s with me?

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